Hiking in the Huon
I finally managed to pick up a copy of this lovely little book called Family Bushwalks in Tasmanias Huon Valley. I knew of it because it contains a description of a walk that can be done from our place to the Old Mill, which I stumbled across on a web site while researching our move to Franklin. The book was published 20-odd years ago now and contains a good list of walks in the area as well as basic information about bushwalking in Tasmania, photos, drawings and poems as well.

Despite several attempts, we didnt actually manage to find the Old Mill hidden up in the forestry area until a friend showed us. This was because the "New Road" described in the book was no longer in the same place - forestry roads tend to shift, appear and disappear over the years. However, this morning while out for a run in the semi-dark (daylight saving ends this weekend), I discovered that there is once again a road or forestry spur leading to the Old Mill! The overgrown, wet path lined with man ferns and young myrtle beech trees has been cleared and fresh gravel laid. I feel kind of sad, as it was a pretty section of the walk, but if the nasty gorse patch and the spot strewn with beer cans are gone, it might be a good thing.
Hiking in the Huon
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