Odds And Ends
I thought I would take a day to tie up some loose ends. First, A huge thank you to Aimee at By Aimee for selecting me as overall favorite pinner from her Pinterest link-up party!

To say I was surprised would be an understatement! I just pin stuff I like - but I guess other people like it too! Who knew? You can check out my boards here. If you follow me on Pinterest, let me know in the comments - Id love to follow you too! Thanks Aimee!
My master bath was featured on Handy Man, Crafty Woman -

You can read all about my bathroom here, here and here. Thanks!!
My series about being shy really hit home with so many of you. I guess Im not alone! Thanks for all of the nice comments! If youre new here, you can check out the whole series - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4.
I have received a few emails asking all sorts of questions - so let me try to answer a few here. In yesterdays post, I mentioned that we moved a birds nest (successfully).

Those eggs are so beautiful! A couple of people have asked me what type of bird it is. Ummm, Im not sure - I assume a robin (are there other birds that lay blue eggs?). We have seen the mom in the nest since we moved it but we cant get very close. She flies off whenever we try to look. But it seems like the babies will be just fine. Yay!
Another reader asked about my dining room art project. I purchased these two pieces of art at Salvation Army for $10 each - and then transformed them.

You can read about this project here and here. But to answer the question - yes, I did spray paint the mat (white) and frame (oil rubbed bronze).
Another reader had some questions about My Ombre Penny Art -

I used E6000 adhesive to secure the pennies. It has held up fine - and its been a favorite piece around here. My reader planned to do the project with quarters - how cool! I bet it will look awesome!
On a personal note, two of my kids went to proms over the weekend -
My daughter Cate -

And my son Andrew -

I am so proud of them (well, all four of my kids actually!) - they are growing into such wonderful adults! But I cant believe how fast they are growing into such wonderful adults! Oh my!!
And what would an odds and ends post be without a little Manilow? Yeah - incomplete! So here you go -
Odds And Ends
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