Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The shed gets shared again!

The shed gets shared again!

I just got a CD of photos off to RelaxShaxs Deek Diedricksen, who is working on a new book on tiny homes and buildings and asked if Id be willing to share some of the photos of our shed/sanctuary/studio (and a few of my old original cabin too...)

Deeks a great guy, full of talent, energy and plans--if you havent seen his Tiny Yellow House videos on YouTube, youre in for a treat.  Theyre fun and funny and inspiring!

Deeks like a throwback to my back-to-the-land days, willing to try things, exploring outrageous solutions that actually WORK.  Ive just been reading his Humble Homes book with its energetic drawings--as he describes it, “Gary Larson meets Bob Vila” housing/fort/small house/shack book.  

Ill admit its got me thinking, too...

And by the way the photo is from yesterdays artwork at the little desk...

The shed gets shared again!

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